Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Protagonists in “The Wedding Banquet”

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Supporters in â€Å"The Wedding Banquet† Introduction The two supporters in Ang Lee’s movie are Simon and Wai Tung. These are two cheery lovers from different parts of the universe, but populating in America. Ang Lee treats love affair in the movie as a complicated affair affecting non merely two persons but besides other stakeholders in their lives, such as, friends and relations. In this essay, I shall show that Ang Lee treats love affair as a complex phenomenon that triumphs despite the obstructions. Body Harmonizing to Lee’s movie, the love affair complication is that Wai Tung and Simon is a cheery twosome who lives in Manhattan. Wai Tung’s parents are conservative and want to see their boy acquire married and bear them a grandchild in order to go on their household line of descent. However, the love affair between Wai Tung and Simon is so strong that they decide to continue it, while they look out for a solution that would affect Wai’s parents. For case, the cheery twosome spends a batch of money in individual nines with an purpose of acquiring Wai perfect bride. To cover up their romantic relationship, Simon suggests that Wai Tung and Wei Wei, their renter who besides has a romantic complication with a Caucasic adult male, prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Wei Wei readily accepts the matrimony thought majorly because she is despairing to go on remaining in America ; hence the demand for a green card ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.265 ) . The matrimony between is planned in a such a manner that the Wei Wei will remain in America, Wai’s parents will be happy about the intelligence, and that she will go forth the two work forces together enjoy their romantic relationship. This is a clear indicant of a strong love relationship between the supporters, as they are willing to take immense hazards in order to stay happy together. The determination is a slippery one because it is against the in-migration ordinances to remain in the state without a green card or proper mandate. Therefore, the two could be charged for fraud if the governments get wind of their programs. It is besides hazardous because it is against their parents’ want to prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Nevertheless, the possible benefits if the planned matrimony tend to dominate the hazards and the three move on with their programs ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Thinking they besides need to gull the governments, Wai and Wei Wei work on familiarising with each other in order to obtain the in-migration license. It is merely when Wai’s parents, the Gaos announce that they are winging in to go to their son’s nuptials that everyone is thrown into a terror. However, the program can still work efficaciously if merely the three plotters work hard to retrieve and make their functions for the two hebdomads the Gaos will be in the metropolis. The events that follow seem to negatively impact the love affair between Wai and Simon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.277 ) . Their program about goes through as Wai-Tung’s parents fly in from Taiwan for their son’s nuptials. The luxuriant nuptials feast causes so many complications, as Wei Wei rapes the ‘husband’ and becomes pregnant. Mr. Gao, Wai Tung’s father gets to cognize the truth and sacrifices his traditions for his son’s felicity by following Simon. Ang Lee depicts a same-sex love affair, between two work forces from different racial backgrounds. The love affair between Wei Wei and the Caucasic adult male is inhibited by the cultural and racial difference ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . Besides, the nuptials ceremonial takes topographic point without a enlistment. Simon offers to take them out for dinner and they run into Mr. Gao’s old companion. The comrade’s thought to throw a nuptials feast for the twosome in award of his old commanding officer, Mr. Gao puts the program whole program off balance. After a exuberant and intoxicant filled party, the nuptial twosome goes to bed, where things get complicated. In another attempted love affair between Wei and Wai, the former rapes the groom and subsequently realizes that she is pregnant. As a consequence, this becomes a serious job to the homosexual lovers, as that would deteriorate their love relationship. Simon gets annoyed by the bend of events, likely out of green-eyed monster. Lee besides demonstrates love affair as a self-generated and that can irresistible. This is seen in the in the movie when when Simon and Wai are caught by Mr Gao seeking to mouse into an afternoon sex session. This happens when the cheery twosome thinks that no 1 is in the house. The passionately kiss in the anteroom and deprive each other as they climb the steps. Unfortunately, Mr. Gao is watching and their cupboard love affair is discovered. Ang Lee treats love affair between same sex persons as unacceptable and immoral. This is seen through the manner he makes the characters in the movie behave. For case, Simon and Wai are in secret in love with one another and hope to transport on their relationship behind their parents’ back. This is because it is obvious that the parents will non O.K. of such a relationship, particularly now that they are traditional Chinese who want a grandchild ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Therefore, the movie author depicts a cheery love affai r as a frailty in the society that the victims try difficult to conceal it from everyone else. Compared to Wong Kar-wai’s movie, In the Mood for love, love affair is brought approximately as a complicated matter between a adult male and adult female, who are following door neighbours ( Marcus & A ; Nicholls 2004, p.545 ) . The supporters in this movie are Chow Mo-wan who is a journalist, and Su Li-zhen who is a secretary in a transportation company ( Cui 2007, p.4 ) . The complication in their relationship lies in the manner the love affair began. Leery that their several partners are rip offing on them, they unconsciously develop feelings for each other. Therefore, the supporters in the movie illustrate that love affair is self-generated and resistless ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Ang Lee besides seems to be pass oning a critical message through love affair in the movie that nil remains concealed for long despite the battle to make so. When Simon and Wai’s complicated love relationship is eventually discovered by Mr. Gao, it becomes clear that anything done in secret can ever come out in the visible radiation ; that is truth ever triumphs. Even after his find, Mr. Gao tries to maintain the issue to himself without stating the married woman. This, nevertheless, does non stay a secret for long as Wai Tung succumbs to coerce and defeat of the secret and decides to state the female parent the truth. For case, after his father’s 2nd shot and frequent battles between him, Wei Wei and Simon, Wai opens up to the female parent who is absolutely surprised ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.268 ) . Correspondingly, Wong Kar-wai, demonstrates that love affair can non be hidden for long. In every bit much as the film’s supporters are seeking to conceal their love relationship, it finally comes out in the unfastened for the neighbours to see. Although Chow and Su are seeking to conceal their feelings from each other, they eventually decide to acknowledge it. Therefore, love affair is a natural phenomenon that is neither difficult to conceal nor stamp down and that the earlier the stakeholders involved accept it, the better for the parties involved ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.32 ) . Ang Lee’s movie besides dares to convey out love affair through an unusual manner ; gay relationship between the supporters. The society is evidently non amused by such a relationship and in fact discourages it by all agencies. However, through the movie, Jay Lee bravely makes it clear to the spectator that cheery relationships are existent, no affair how hard the society efforts to stamp down it. Through the movie, Lee shows that love affair can be good between opposite sex persons every bit good as same sex spouses. For illustration, Wei Wei was in a romantic relationship with a Caucasic adult male, but her parents would non O.K. of the relationship. The same sex love affair is illustrated by the love between Simon and Wei ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.270 ) . On contrast, Wong Kar-wai, brings out love affair in a normal manner between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su. Compared to the homosexual love affair between Simon and Wai, Chow and Su’s relationship is acceptable in the society. However, the relationship is criticized by the sixtiess conservative Chinese who find a friendly relationship between a adult male and a adult female as Wyrd. In an attempt to maintain their relationship platonic, the two autumn for each other. Besides, they do non desire to crouch excessively low as their cheating partners, yet the terminal up as lovers ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Even though the society disapproves of such relationships, Lee depicts that it thrives despite all odds. This is illustrated by the instance of the two supporters in the film. Although Wai’s male parent is so aghast to detect the truth about his boy that he suffers a shot, he eventually accepts his position. He even goes to a great extent to back up him by following Simon as his boy. Likewise, Mrs. Gao learns to accept the state of affairs. This makes the two vanquishers as their love relationship continues in malice of the social opposition. Wong Kar-wai in the movie ‘In the Mood for Love’ illustrates a normal love relationship between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su ( Smith 2010, p.173 ) . The movie depicts the love affair between Chow and Su as successful one in the beginning ( Deutelbaum & A ; Poague 2009, p.51 ) . Nevertheless, factors including distance and work affect their relationship a great trade. Chow decides to work in Singapore and leav es behind Su. Finally, the love affair between them of course dies ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.56 ) . In add-on, Ang Lee’s treats love affair between the two supporters as a natural and self-generated phenomenon. It is demonstrated as a state of affairs that exists between two persons who feel common attractive force and trust between themselves without much attempt. As the movie unfolds, it is clear that the love affair between Simon and Wai started through a phone conversation. Lee uses telephones as a symbol of cheery familiarity. The telephones besides enhance the being of the cupboard and unfavourably impact the familiarity. Besides, their first buss happens after both of them had a conversation to prove the cellular telephone that Simon bought Wai ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . What is more, merely as in any other normal love relationship, Lee portrays the love affair between Simon and Wai as strong and existent. Normally, lovers tend to interchange gifts as an look of love. In this instance, Simon buys Wai a portable phone so as to heighten communicating between them. Furthermore, lovers in existent life scenario tend to make one another favours as a manner of showing their feelings. In this instance, Lee depicts a strong love love affair between the supporters through the same ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . On the contrary, the cupboard love affair in the drama is besides facilitated by the telephone. Wai’s parents’ presence can be felt in the homosexual relationship even before they land in New York. This happens through the late dark and long distance calls, which serve to interfere with the couple’s slumber. As good, the homosexual relationship in the movie is created by telephone, which may be disembodied and romanticized, but can besides be free of a position of homosexual gender as merely sex ; cold, unemotional, and sterile. The conversation on phone aid to unify the characters and underlines their ignorance and isolation of each other’s feelings. For Wai, the telephone communicating helps to maintain prolong the cupboard ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.276 ) . In the movie, Jay Lee besides treats love affair as a phenomenon that cuts across racial boundaries in the universe. This is against the traditional position of looking at love affair as possible and should go on between two persons within one racial, spiritual, political, and societal association. The instance of Simon and Wai drives Lee’s message on love affair place. The fact that the two lovers come from different parts of the universe proves that love affair can absolutely go on across different civilizations and races. Simon is an American piece Wai is an Asia, yet they are involved in a strong romantic relationship. Apart from being involved in a homosexual relationship, the two are cross-cultural lovers, something against the traditions of Wai’s conservative parents. The fact that Wai’s parents’ have ever been pressing him to acquire himself a perfect Chinese lady to get married and acquire them a grandchild confirms that they do non O.K. of a cros s-cultural or cross-racial matrimony or love affair non to advert cheery matrimony. Therefore, Jay Lee treats the love affair in the movie as diverse phenomenon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000 p.274 ) . By contrast, Wong Kar-wai movie depicts a complicated love affair between a two Chinese persons, Chow and Su. While Lee shows that love affair knows no cultural, spiritual, political, geographical, and racial boundaries, Wong Kar-wai portrays a love affair that suffers because of work and geographical barriers. Chow and Su’s love affair seems weakened by the distance that finally develops when Chow relocates to Singapore. This leaves the spectator inquiring whether the love affair was non merely meant for convenience as it looks superficial ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Further, Lee’s movie demonstrates that love affair can be and boom against all odds. This is illustrated when the supporters in the movie win in acquiring married. Wai and Simon successfully maintain their relationship. Nevertheless, Wong Kar-wai shows that love affair is hindered by assorted factors including work and distance. For case, when Chow moves to Singapore for work, he leaves Su behind ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.34 ) . What is more, Lee demonstrates love affair as a dearly-won matter. This implies that for love affair to thrive in any society, a batch of costs are incurred by the parties involved. Lee uses love affair between Simon and Wai to demo this. Since Wai’s household insist on him get marrieding a Chinese lady, the love affair between them greatly affected the household. In fact, their opposition to the homosexual love affair caused Mr. Gao to endure a shot. However, because he wanted to delight his boy, he decides to give his cultural demands and adopts Simon so that he can be portion of the household. Similarly, Wong Kar-wai notes that successful love affair is dearly-won to the stakeholders involved. Chow and Su’s love affair is dearly-won is the sense that they get separated by work and distance. They besides suffer from neighbors’ examination due to the Chinese civilization ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Decision Clearly, love affair is depicted as a complicated matter by Ang Lee’s movie. the complication in this involves assorted facets include same-sex relationship, parents’ opposition, cultural beliefs, costs and forfeits that need to be made. Lee demonstrates that love affair is a natural, self-generated, and dearly-won phenomenon in the society. Besides, Lee shows that love affair can be between same sex persons, hence ensuing in homosexual relationship as it happens between the supporters in the movie. It is besides apparent in the movie that love affair can go on and thrive across political, cultural, societal, spiritual, and racial backgrounds, as it happens between Simon and Wai in the movie. This contrasts with Wong Kar-wai’s thought of convenient love affair hindered by distance and work-related factors. Although Wong Kar-wai ‘s movie brings out normal love affair between a adult male and a adult female, the relationship fails every bit compared to the su ccessful homosexual love affair in Ang Lee’s movie. Mentions Chow, R 2007,Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility, Columbia University Press, Michigan.pp.65-69. Cui, M 2007,The Cinema of Wong Kar Wai: Chinese and Western Culture Differences in Narrative Cinemas, Universal-Publishers, Sydney. Pp.4-9. Deutelbaum, M & A ; Poague, L 2009,A Hitchcock Reader, John Wiley & A ; Sons, New Jersey. Pp.51-59. Hamamoto, DY & A ; Liu, S 2000,Countervisions: Asiatic American Film Criticism, Temple University Press, Hong Kong, Pp. 265-280. Marcus, L & A ; Nicholls, P 2004,The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 545. Martin, F & A ; Heinrich, L 2006,Corporal modernnesss materiality, representation, and Chinese civilizations, University of HawaiE »i Press, Honolulu: Pp. 30-70. Smith, WG 2010,Socrates and Subtitles: A Philosopher ‘s Guide to 95 Challenging Movies from Around the World, McFarland, Hong Kong. pp. 173-187.

Applying Ethics to End of Life Care Essay

Applying Ethics to End of Life Care can be a difficult task for those involved in making the decisions pertaining to active and passive euthanasia, as well as palliative care when it comes to themselves or loved ones. According to The Last Chapter-End of life decisions â€Å"there often comes a time that advances in medicine are no longer your friend, they become the enemy† (West Virginia Public Broadcasting, 2010, Dec. 28). Euthanasia, or right to death; according to Mosser (2014), â€Å"the argument for euthanasia is straightforward: A person who is virtually certain to die within a given amount of time and is experiencing or will experience a lot of pain before he or she dies should be able to choose an earlier, less painful death. What purpose is served by keeping a person alive only to experience constant, agonizing pain?† (sec. 6.3, para. 32). The answer to the question would seem rather obvious depending on your point of view. According to Palliummja (2011, March 19) Dr. Balfour Mount stated â€Å"People do not have to die with pain†, and Kass (1989) states â€Å"Each person has a right to control his or her body and his or her life, including the end of it† (pg. 27, para. 1). Within this paper is a look at three different ethical points of view. The topic of End of Life Care will be explored through the perspective of the utilitarian, the deontologist, as well as the relativists. Each one of these theories have their own take on what is considered morally right and morally wrong. Although each of these theories have their benefits and cons, it is this researcher’s belief that the relativist’s point of view would be the best ethical theory to apply when dealing with End of Life Care issues because it is left up to the individuals own moral standards of what they perceive to be the morally right or wrong thing to do. We will first take a look through the eyes of the relativist. According to Mosser (2014), â€Å"we should recognize that there are no universal or general ethical standards; that a person’s ethical view is relative to his or her culture, society, tradition, religion, worldview, and even individual values. Because moral claims are said to be relative to something else†, he continues with â€Å"Even though philosophers distinguish between different kinds of relativism, we will generally use the term to mean that any ethical claim is relative to a set of beliefs and that any such ethical claim is true, or consistent with, that set of beliefs† (sec 6.2, para. 14). It is the individual aspect of relativism that I would like to focus on as the best way to tackle ethical questions pertaining to end of life care. This leaves the decision solely up to what the individual believes is the right thing to do, based on his or her own personal beliefs. If it is considered ok by that individual to go ahead and end their life, through active or passive euthanasia so they do not suffer more pain than what is necessary, then that is what the morally right thing to do would be. The relativist simply says that the practice a given culture/individual adopts as correct determines what should be done (Mosser, K., 2014). The second ethical view that we will be looking at is the deontological theory. According to Mosser, K. (2014) â€Å"deontological ethics focuses on the will of the person acting, the person’s intention in carrying out the act, and particularly, the rule according to which the act is carried out. Deontology focuses on the duties and obligations one has in carrying out actions rather than on the consequences of those actions† (sec. 6.1). In short the deontologists is not concerned with consequences, but rather what it is the law of the land says is right or wrong. This means that even if a patient was certain to experience excruciating pain and suffering, and was certain to die in a matter of days, euthanasia would still not be permissible because the law states that killing is the wrong thing to do. This would present a problem for a patient who is wanting to end their life early because the physician would be bound by law not to perform such acts because to kill a pers on is against the law. The doctor patient confidentiality aspect cannot be applied in this case. The good thing about the deontological view is that it keeps doctors in check by not allowing a  doctor to end a life just because they no longer wish to treat an individual. Kass gives an example of this by stating â€Å"Even the most humane and conscientious physician psychologically needs protection against himself and his weaknesses† (pg. 35, para 3). Meaning that the law is set in place so that a doctor does not make killing a therapeutic option. But even though this is a check so to say for the doctor, this cannot be the ethical theory best to satisfy ones individual need or want for an earlier termination of life, if in fact that is what they choose to want happen. The utilitarian in this situation would ask that we take a look at the consequences of such an act as euthanasia, taking into consideration as to what is the best outcome for the most amount of people. According to Mosser, K. (2014) â€Å"When given a choice between two acts, utilitarianism states that the act that should be chosen is the one that creates the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people† (section 6.1). This has its strong and weak points as well. The strong point in this is that it takes a look at every aspect of the situation, analyzing the benefits and cons to either end a life or keeping an individual alive. The problem with this view lies with, who is it that benefits the most, is it the patient and patients family who benefits more, or is it the hospital or physician who benefits more. A point made in the video End of Life Care Dilemma: Who gets booted from ICU stated that hospitals tend to â€Å"bounce from the emergency room the perso n who you know is going to die soon† (ForaTv. 2010, April 14). The reason for this is the amount of money made by keeping ICU beds full. It could cost up to two million dollars to keep an individual alive for two years. In the view of the video provided it would be more cost efficient to end a life and use the two million dollars to pay for school lunches for school children prolonging life for 500 years rather than the two years for the one individual (ForaTv. 2010, April 14). So the question remains, who is it that benefits more? It would seem as if the hospital would benefit more by ending a life because it opens up a new bed for the next individual. When it comes to end of life care and utilitarianism there is no sure way to know that ending a life would be benefitting the right individuals. In conclusion, it is this researcher’s belief that the best ethical point of  view to use when dealing with end of life care would be the relativist ethical theory. This theory allows an individual to make the decision based on what it is that they feel is the right option to do. There is no outside influence as to what a person should do when you are able to make the decision based off of your own moral beliefs. As stated above by Kass, â€Å"Each person has a right to control his or her body and his or her life, including the end of it† (pg. 27, para. 1). This right is taken away once you put forth a deontological or utilitarian point of view. The individual no longer has a say in what it is to be done with their life. Many would opt for a less painful death, in fact this researcher would opt for a less painful death knowing that I may spend the rest of my life in agonizing pain, or deteriorating. Even if it was the patients wish to die peacefully before suffering the agonizing effects of the disease, there is nothing that the doctor can do to assist with these wishes, because the law of the land prohibits murder, and since active euthanasia would be causing the death of an individual with the intent to cause the death, this would be classified as murder, this is why the deontological approach cannot work in terms of end of life care. It removes the individual’s wishes as to what they want to have happen, and replaces it with what society believes should happen. The utilitarian point of view is also one that removes the individual wants or needs from the end of life care factor. It brings in the benefits of others that may out weight the benefits of the individual. It is these reasons presented within this paper that this researcher believes that although each of these theories have their benefits and cons, it is the relativist’s point of view would be the best e thical theory to apply when dealing with End of Life Care issues because it is left up to the individuals own moral standards of what they perceive to be the morally right or wrong thing to do, and there is no other influence on what should be done with one’s own life. References ForaTv. (2009, Sep. 24). End-of-life care dilemma: Who gets booted from the ICU? [Video file]. Retrieved from Kass, L. R. (1989). Neither for love nor money: Why doctors must not kill. Public Interest, 94, 25-46. Retrieved from the ProQuest database. Mosser, K. (2013). Understanding philosophy. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Palliummja. (2011, March 19). Dying for care – quality palliative & end of life care in Canada (English subtitles/captions) [Video file]. Retrieved from /watch?v=Q6mUbIjKEEI West Virginia Public Broadcasting. (2010, Dec. 28). The last chapter – end of life decisions [Video file]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nursing Practice and Profession Abstract

AbstractNurses committed to the interpersonal caring hold themselves accountable for the human well being of patients entrusted to their health care. Being accountable means being attentive and responsive to the health care needs of individual patient. It means that my concern for the patient transcends whatever happens during my shift, and that I ensure continuity of care when I leave the patient. In today’s highly fragmented system of care, patients often find themselves unable to point to any one care giver who knows the overall situation and is capable and willing to coordinate the efforts of the healthcare team. Being responsive and responsible earns a patient’s trust that â€Å"all will be well† as the healthcare needs are addressed. This will be the central them of this paper in the quest of establish the nurse’s accountabilities in evaluating or implementing change.Nurses who are sensitive to the legal dimensions of practice are careful to develop a strong sense of both ethical and legal accountability. Competent practice is a nurses’ best legal safeguard. When working to develop ethical and legal accountabilities, nurses must recognize that both deficiencies and or excesses of responsible caring are problematic.Although it is reasonable to hold oneself accountable for promoting the human well being of the patients, nurses can err by setting unrealistic standards of responsiveness and responsibility for themselves. Prudence is always necessary to balance responsible self care with care for others. Inexperienced nurses might feel totally responsible for effecting patient outcomes beyond their control and become frustrated and sad when unable to produce the desired outcome Conversations about what is reasonable to hold ourselves and others accountable for are always helpful.Each employing institution or agency providing nursing service has an obligation to establish a process for reporting and handling practices by indiv idual or by health care systems that jeopardizes a patient’s health or safety. The American Nurses Association code of Ethics obligates nurses to report professional conduct that is incompetent, unethical or illegal. For nurses, incompetent practice in measured by nursing standards, unethical practice is evaluated in light of the professional codes of ethics, while illegal practice is identified in terms of violation of federal legislations and laws.Nurses must respect the accountability and responsibility inherent in their roles.   They have the moral obligations in the provision of nursing care, hence they collaborate with other health care providers in providing comprehensive health care, recognizing the perspective and expertise of each member.   Nurses have a moral right to refuse to participate in procedures that may violate their own personal moral conscience since they are entitled to conscientious objection. They must keep all information obtained in a profession al capacity confidential and employ professional judgment in sharing this information on a need to know basis. Nurses are expected to protect individuals under their care against lack of privacy by confining their verbal communications only to appropriate personnel; settings, and to professional purposes. They are obliged to adhere to practice that limits access to personal records to appropriate personnel.They must value the promotion of a social as well as economic environment that supports and sustains health and well-being. It includes the involvement in the detection of ill effects of the environment on the health of the patient as well as the ill effects of human activities to the natural environment. They must acknowledge that the social environment in which the patient inhabits has an impact on health. Nurses must respect the rights of individuals to make informed choices in relation to their care. They have this responsibility to inform individuals about the care available to them, and the choice to accept or reject that care.   If the person is not able to speak for themselves, nurses must ensure the availability of someone to represent them. It is vital to respect the decisions made concerning the individual’s care.Standards of care are one measure of quality.   Quality nursing care provides care by qualified individuals. Likewise, the individual needs, values, and culture of the patient relative to the provision of nursing care is important to be respected and considered hence it should not be compromised for reasons of ethnicity, gender, spiritual values, disability, age, economic, social or health status, or any other grounds.   Respect for an individual’s needs includes recognition of the individual’s place in a family and the community. It is due to this reason that others should be included in the provision of care, most significantly the family members. Respect for needs, beliefs and values includes culturally sensi tive care, and the need for comfort, dignity, privacy and alleviation of pain and anxiety as much as possible.â€Å"Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem solving approach to clinical practice that integrates the conscientious use of best evidence in combination with a clinician’s expertise as well as patient preferences and values to make decisions about the type of care that is provided† (Melnyk, 2004). Quality of care outcomes refers to accuracy and relevance demonstrated by the decisions concerning the need for medical and surgical intervention. Evidence of appropriateness in healthcare is necessary to improve health outcomes, balance costs, provide guidance to physicians and meet the need of the new informed health consumer. Appropriateness is unlike effectiveness since the later refers to the degree in which an intervention achieves the objectives set (Muir Gray, 1997). One criterion of appropriateness is that of necessity.As technology and improved methods o f care has advanced, access to appropriate interventions should likewise improve. Today some interventions are still limited such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in rural communities and since access to this technology is limited, a criterion of necessity is used to determine who is able to access and how quickly. Therefore although use of MRI may be appropriate in diagnostics, it may be underused. Advancements in technology, interventions and clinical research will provide updated evidence which in turn would affect ratings of appropriateness (Muir Gray, 1997). Clinical guideline statements are developed from evidence to assist healthcare practitioners in making appropriate health interventions (Woolf, Grol, Hutchinson, Eccles & Grimshaw, 1999).The clinical guideline may be a general statement or concise instruction on which diagnostic test to order or how best to treat a specific condition. The purpose of clinical guidelines is as a tool for making decisions that will result i n more consistent and efficient care. Guidelines are not rules nor are they mandatory. The benefits of clinical guidelines include: Improved health outcomes; Increased beneficial/appropriate care; Consistency of care; Improved patient information; Ability to positively influence policy; Provide direction to health care practitioners;ReferencesAgency of Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Outcomes research fact sheet. [Online].Available:, R.H. (1994). Appropriateness: The next frontier. [Online]. Available:, K., Bernstien, S. J., Aguilar, M. D., Burand, B., LaCalle, J. R., Lazaro, P. van het Loo,McDonnell, J., Vader, J. P., & Kahan, J. P. (2001). The RAND/UCLA appropriatenessmethod user’s manual. [Online]. Available: A. Hartford Foundation. (n.d.). [Online]. Available: Gray, J.A. (1997). Evidence-based healthcare: How to make health policy and managementdecisions, New York: Churchill Livingstone.Woolf, S. H., Grol, R., Hutchinson, A., Eccles, M., & Grimshaw, J. (1999). Clinical guidelines:Potential benefits, limitations and harms of clinical guidelines. [Online]. Available:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Logistic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Logistic Management - Essay Example Outsourcing companies face the loss of tax benefits due to hiring foreign full-time workers. Federal tax penalties can also be imposed on outsourcing companies so as to boost domestic job creation. Reduction of the damage inflicted to goods in transits plays a vital function in cutting the costs of supplying the said goods. Companies, therefore, bear the responsibility of ensuring the safety of goods they are charged to transport. To achieve this, a company can establish policies that ensure their safety. Such policies include those covering package, insurance and providing appropriate means of transport. A company should ensure that the appropriate packing of the goods is done to secure them firmly to avoid rocking while in transit. Fragile goods sustain damage due to undesired movement during transportation. To secure fragile goods firmly during transportation, the use of products such as bubble wraps is employed. Companies have also use insurance to cover damages that may be incurred in transit; it also covers theft (Bowersox et al., 2012). The BUS 320 unit is a crucial course for decision-making in a company, as it shows the importance of weighing one’s decisions appropriately to come up with logical solutions. This way, after taking the course, the business person in an individual is brought out so that any vital aspects of a business can be factored and all perspectives covered. In this light, there is no room for errors, as all issues are dealt with effectively. In addition, this decision-making course allows for sound policies to be generated and implemented so that the institution that one works for or with ends up getting the best there is. This also applies to decisions that involve high risk business ventures as the higher the risk, the higher the returns. However, as this is not always the case, one can again look at all the aspects of the actions taken. This class provides sound skills and knowledge of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Statements - Essay Example Companies are required file their 10-K annual financial report to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The 10-K is filed within 60 days from the end of the company’s accounting period. The 10-K is the SEC’s standard blank form used by companies for submitting their financial reports. Interested parties can acquire the 10-K Securities and Exchange Commission reports for use in enhancing their investment or divestment decisions (Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, 2011). Part II: The accounting equation is shown as: Assets = Liabilities + Capital. The assets represent all the resources of the company (Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, 2011). Example: Assets = Liabilities + Capital $ 250,000 = $ 20,000 + $ 200,000 Assets = $50,000, Accts Receivable $ 50,000. Building $200,000. Liabilities = Accounts payable $ 5,000, Notes payable $ 15,000 Capital = Bush, Capital $ 230,000, Bush, drawing $ 30,000 The company owns the resources. Cash is one of the company’s assets (Wild, Shaw, Chiappett a, 2011). Cash includes the coins and paper money. Cash also includes the checks that are paid by the company’s customers. The assets include accounts receivable. Accounts receivable asset represents the amounts owed by the creditors. Sometimes companies sell their product on account. This means the company delivers their products to the customers. In turn, the customers promise to pay their debts after several days or months. The debt amount is recorded as accounts receivable in the company’s books of accounts. The inventory represents items that are being sold in the company’s stores. The inventory also includes unused office supplies, unused cleaning supplies, and other unused items that are owned by the company. The building...The debt amount is recorded as accounts receivable in the company’s books of accounts. The inventory represents items that are being sold in the company’s stores. The inventory also includes unused office supplies, unused cleaning supplies, and other unused items that are owned by the company. The building account is another company asset. Since the company owns the building, the building is included in the assets account. The office equipment is part of the company’s asset account. The office equipment includes the computers, typewriters, calculators, and adding machines. The company has some liabilities to pay (Wild, Shaw, Chiappetta, 2011). The liabilities represent what the company owes its creditors. Similarly, the suppliers may offer the company credit terms when the company buys goods from its suppliers. In exchange for purchased items, the company promises to pay its debts in a few days or months. When this occurs, the company records an accounts payable amount. Further, when company is required to sign a note promising that they will pay the debt within a few days or months, the company records a notes payable amount in its books of accounts. When the company applies or a ten year ba nk loan, the company records a long term loan amount.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Best practice review - work based learning Literature

Best practice - work based learning - Literature review Example Recognizing the importance of learning for development and has led to the origination of large number of methodologies. The single objective working behind development of leanings methodologies has been to improving the level of effectiveness.Among various methodologies introduced for the purpose, Work Based Learning is most recognized and accepted one. As the name signifies Work Based Learning refers to the learning that predominantly takes place through work (Garnett, 2001). Learning in work place maintains focus on job. Work based learning is being associated with on job training, skill development and experiential learning that is being provided to the students in the employment environment; hence reducing the gap of between pedagogical learning and work based experiences of learning and doing. Though considerable development is being made on the matter and great variety of models and themes have been devised there is still gap existing between the work-based learning demands as the opportunities facilitated by the workplace to align on same page. Hence, along with development of the field towards success the criticism has also been coming along. REVIEW FROM LITERATURE Eraut and Hirsh (2007) have suggested in contrast to the traditional forma l learning settings; work based learning is accredited with greater knowledge and skill development along with higher level of effectiveness based on the knowledge that is adopted by being part of the work environment . It further refers that strength of the knowledge is developed from responding to the issues originating from pieces of work. Work based learning is not only regarded as the form of combination of theory and practice but at the same time it is conceptual development that has combination of explicit and tacit forms knowledge (Brodie, and Irving, 2007). The combination of the explicit as well as tacit knowledge is further generated from the dual aspects facilitated from the knowledge. Learner in the work b ased learning environment develops tacit and explicit knowledge on both levels of individual as well as collective level as given presented below: (Raelin, 1998) Hence, the combination of the work based learning best practices has to facilitate the combination of these factors in a negotiated combination in order to achieve the effective and robust results (Lester, 2002). Settings; however, may vary with respect to the need of the learner and the facilitator. For instance, the methodology of work based learning that is applied at Middlesex University is of format that has negotiation as critical element. Work based learning in Middlesex University is designed with high level of negotiation between the parties involved such as the learner, the facilitator as well as the employer that provides learning set up. Such negotiated learning results in developing the learner that reflects greater commitment to work and self development. However, the commitment of learners within this format and self development is dependent on the level of motivation provided by the employers; especially in work activities that does not offer learner some level of discretion with respect to decision making as well as authority to take action (Zembylas, 2006). Work based learning settings also offer a distinctive form of learning where learners are provided with conceptual development. The learning is since provided with vocational training therefore the conceptual development is conducted with experiences and reflections (Reeve, and Gallacher, 2005). Further, the concept of action research that facilitates learning with conducting research in order to solve the real world problems is also accepted influential methodology. In the mentioned settings the solution to the problem is more democratic as it is arrived by collaborative discussions on work place or any other structured format that falls in the category of work based learning. Hence, in every context the success is derived from p ragmatic concept of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparing and evaluating the financial performance of US commercial Essay

Comparing and evaluating the financial performance of US commercial banks during the recession - Essay Example The study tells that the recent financial crisis began in 2008 – although signs of the crisis could be identified in 2007; since then, the crisis has being expanded in all countries worldwide causing severe losses to businesses of all industrial sectors. In its primary form, the crisis was related with the banking sector in US; in fact, the subprime products that were promoted by the US banks were proved to be more risky than initially estimated; as a result, US banks were highly exposed to the recession. Many banks in US collapsed – as a consequence of the crisis; however, there were also those banks that managed to limit the losses and protect effectively their equity/ capital. This study will help to understand the effects of recession on the financial performance of US commercial banks using the figures included in these organizations’ financial statements. In other words, it will be an evidence – based study not just a critical analysis of the behavio r of these firms since the beginning of the crisis. On the other hand, the level of resistance of US banks – as identified through this study – would be valuable in order to estimate the expected development of the US banking industry both in the short and the long term – the prospects for the development of US firms that operate in other industrial sectors could be also estimated using similar criteria. The study also identifies the framework of successful strategic decisions – referring to the banking industry – a fact that could further lead to the increase of this sector’s credibility.

Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Policy Research Paper

Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Policy - Research Paper Example The problem statement for this study is elderly abuse as a social problem considered as a complex phenomenon lacking a single and consistent definition. It falls under the wider domestic abuse and mistreatment definition which encompass â€Å"incidents perpetrated by either a family member or a member of the victim’s household†¦ to include physical, psychological, or financial abuse, and neglect,† referring to the elderly as the victim. Elderly, too, may be of contention since acceptable age range or bracket may be different from one institution or state to another. It was observed that resolution of elder abuse require multidisciplinary approach of which administrators form adult protective services and the criminal justice system cooperate to address cases and prevent repetition and escalation of the abusive acts as there are possibilities that unreported and undeterred abusers may turn to more victims.Local law enforcement have jurisdiction to investigate any co mplaint of elderly abuse and another investigative body is the adult protective services or APS. APS is usually the agency that handles elder mistreatment. McNamee and Murphy cited lack of knowledge about elder abuse with the case of nursing home caretaker Charles Cullen as example. In 2004, Cullen admitted to administering fatal doses of medication to about 40 patients in various institutions over a 16-year period indicating the extent of knowledge on the recognition of abuse, incidences, prevention, and prosecution. The lack of standard for recognition of elder abuse was cited as a major factor in the lagging knowledge about the maltreatment (McNamee and Murphy, 2006). There is a need to rely on forensic markers in order to identify abuse and neglect. However, this was also seen as problematic because caregivers, APS agencies, and physicians lacked training to determine injuries caused by mistreatment and those that came from accident, illness or aging (McNamee and Murphy, 2006). Elderly individuals, too, also experience signs and symptoms that are disease related which may be mistaken for abuse or maltreatment. Thus, caretakers, family members, and health professionals are not alarmed about the real causes even when incidents lead to death (McNamee and Murphy, 2006). Facts and Figures The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting noted that in 2004 that there were 1,551,143 reported incidents of family violence between 1996 and 2001; that 20,955 elderly relatives were victims of simple assault during that period. A study on elderly sexual abuse, Burgess (2006) reported that among the 284 victims under study, the mean age was 78.8 years and that majority or 82.3% were Caucasians. The majority also consisted of 93.2% females with only 6.8%

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Service Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Service Management - Assignment Example nsidered most effective in identifying the influences of customer satisfaction is any form of quantitative customer satisfaction survey that manifest the unconsciously and qualitatively experienced customers into tangible and meaningful measures that can be used for decision making. For example through the quantitative method, customers can rank the influencers that affect their purchasing behavior. Customers in business to customer markets often want to be treated with customized service even though their volumes of service are always high. This creates a gap that can only be addressed by the use of a focus strategic option which seeks to learn more about specific markets. For customers in business to business markets, their needs often focus on value, which means that to address this gap, the differentiation strategic option which seeks to value-based service is used. Customer survey forms collected and evaluated shows that marketers will continue to be faced with the responsibility of understanding their market through means such as research and development (R&D). This is because the needs of customers were noted to be very different and widespread, requiring only a detailed market research to discover these differences and building the right segments to provide services to customers. Supply networks and supplier relationships are focused on by the author in the sixth chapter. In this chapter, the author notes that supply chain management is very crucial in ensuring that the goal of the company in achieving efficiency and effectiveness can be realized. To do this, the need for all stakeholders to function in a manner that is in line with the organizational culture of the main service provider is recommended. Most service providers have underestimated the role and place of supply chain, thinking that supply chain management is useful only for those in retail and other product based industries. The supply chain constructed below however shows that the service

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Hinduism - Essay Example Partly as a result of this war and the Holocaust, the state of Israel was founded. Anyone of the Jewish faith can become a citizen of Israel. At present Jews live in many different countries of the world. Their contributions to science, the arts, economics and virtually every other sphere of human activity has been huge. Indeed, their success may be part of the reason that people have persecuted them for so long. Hinduism refers in general to the civilization of the Hindus – who were the original inhabitants of the land of the Indus river. The word â€Å"Hindu† was invented by British writers in about a830, and is in general used to describe Indian civilization over the last 2000 years. The Hindu religion is the third largest in the world, with about 1 billion adherents. In contrast to Judaism, Hinduism does not have a single set of religious beliefs or a main founder, but rather encompasses many different religious rituals and practices. Most Hindus follow the Vendata philosophy and believe in a cosmic spirit called Brahman. It is worshipped in many different forms such as the Vishnu, Shiva and Shakti. There are many different religious texts within Hinduism, the most famous of which is probably the Bhagavad Gita. In general, Hinduism can be portrayed as either polytheistic (many gods) or henotheistic (a personalized god and god as an idea). The Brahman cannot be described in words according to much inHind Hindu scripture, but can only be understood through direct experience. The interview location was the Hindu Temple of Chattanooga, which is known as Sanatan Mandir. This temple has been in existence about ten years and welcomes Hindus of various persuasions. The temple is located on Boney Oaks drive in the city. I was born forty years ago in Bombay, India. I moved to the USA for graduate studies in engineering, married an American and am now an American citizen. I have lived in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Poverty should be defined in multi-dimensional terms. Define, using Essay

Poverty should be defined in multi-dimensional terms. Define, using examples from your wider reading - Essay Example Conversely, there have been cases of poverty reduction is certain developing countries for example, Ghana, Bolivia, Cambodia and Tanzania. This is impressive though, the fight against poverty is real and it will take the collaboration of the people, governments and international organizations to win it. Poverty has been largely understood in terms of income until recently. Being poor meant that an individual could merely provide a proper diet at home. However, poverty is way more than a shortfall of income or food availability. It is more about the denial of choices and opportunities that are necessary for one to lead a decent, health and long life with self- esteem, respect and dignity. People simply live in campsites, slums and in poor living conditions because they have no other choice. Nearly half of the world’s population is faced by problems such as possessing few skills to compete in the market, multiple health problems and little or no income at all. There are many asp ects of poverty that are inter- linked resulting to a vicious cycle (Bhalla 2002:79). In other words, poverty is a multi- dimensional concept and some of its facets include: i. Mismanagement of Resources The world is endowed with numerous resources in the form of minerals, oil, and a massive work force among many others (Chen and Ravallion, 2008:56). In most incidences, resources are poorly managed leading to wastages and this contributes to increasing poverty levels. This is common to developing countries such as South Sudan where there are constant fights over resources. It also entails the unequal distribution of resources among different regions that contributes high poverty level. ii. Food Mismanagement and Insecurity Food is a key need for human survival and if not properly managed it could lead to hunger among the population (Ivanic and Martin, 2008). Food security is paramount for the growth and development of an economy since it ensures that there is a constant supply even during dry spells. Food insecurity is common in most developing countries owing to fluctuations in weather patterns and lack of appropriate storage mechanisms. iii. Poor Health Disease and disability may hinder individuals from working thereby limiting their income. If the bread winner is ill, it means that the entire family will be negatively affected. This not only translates to loss of income and an increase in costs due to the need for health care. Other causes of poverty include: war and insecurity, the spread of HIV/AIDS, poor infrastructural and institutional development and corruption (Department for International Development (DfID, 2009). This paper analyses poverty as a multi- faceted concept with regards to mismanagement of food and resources. It further looks at the perspective of poverty by organizations like the UN and World Bank. It also gives an in depth analysis of the progress made by countries towards the achievement of the MDGs. Finally, the paper examines some o f the indicators of poverty levels including different countries’ GDP and the human development index (HDI) Poverty from Mismanagement of Food and Security Thousands of people die every day of hunger- related causes according to recent reports. Regrettably, it is children who die most frequently yet there is an abundant supply of food for the world’

Monday, July 22, 2019

Medieval Universities Essay Example for Free

Medieval Universities Essay Higher education plays a major part in todays society. Expected to continue their education beyond high school, many students attend four-year universities and colleges. The emergence of such higher education was first recorded in Europe during the Middle Ages. The origins and characteristics of these medieval universities as well as details of the students and their masters (professors) will be thoroughly discussed in the following paragraphs. These universities became the foundation of and models for the higher education of today. The Latin word universitas, or university, first appeared in the Latin text of Cicero, the word meaning the whole of mankind or the human race. The word gained educational meaning when the corporation of Paris masters and students first used universitas in 1221 to define the organized society of the entire body of masters and students. But even then the meaning of university was different. Unlike todays university, the medieval universities referred to the students and masters rather than to a building or specific place. This is mainly due to the fact that the early universities did not own buildings but used rented rooms or available rooms loaned by the church as their classrooms (Previte-Orton 622). This flexibility also gave the university the power to secede from their town during a dispute with the townspeople, a strategy used often by the scholars who were often in need of protection (Thompson and Johnson 725). Several conditions provided the way for the establishment of the university during the thirteenth century. The communal movement, or the migration of people to cities, and the formation of guilds provided a model for the scholastici, or scholars, to follow when forming universities. The existence of cathedral and canonical schools provided scholars and teaching material needed to begin such a university. The discovery and emergence of new disciplines and school manuals, translations of works, contact with the Arab world, the discovery of Aristotles treatises on logic, known as the Organon, and the revival of Roman Law also contributed to the rise of the university (Gabriel 282). The university followed two main types of organization: 1) the magisterial type of Paris, and 2) the student-university type of Bologna. At the University of Paris, the teachers or masters, referred to as the honestas societas or honorable society by Alexander Neckham in 1180, were the powers of the university. The chancellor granted teaching licenses to students, but the society instituted the requirements a student must fulfill to gain the title of master. Initially opposed to the new independent corporation, the papacy ultimately approved the university with Pope Innocent IIIs acknowledgment of the community of masters' right to act as a corporation around 1208 to 1209. An important feature of the University of Paris was its dominant position of the faculty of arts, considered there to be the mother of the higher faculties of saluberrima (medicine), consultissima (cannon law), and sacrtissima (theology). The Paris archetype was followed with slight modification by almost all the universities of Northern Europe (Gabriel 283). The second archetype was the student-university type of Bologna. The University of Bologna ultimately formed two universitates, one organization for Italian students and one for foreign students. These student organizations were originally formed for protection but eventually took over the supervision of the teaching with much protest from the doctors, or professors, of the school (Hyde 311). Bologna had been known as a center for legal studies during the second half of the twelfth century. Its fame increased due to the famous masters the city acquired as well as its teaching of Roman Law, which was forbidden in France and England in 1219. The university also offered lectures on practical sciences, such as the art of composition (Gabriel 284). The university, said to have the best school of law in Europe, had other faculties which were of more limited significance. The faculties of arts and medicine were established during the latter half of the thirteenth century. Theology was added to these in 1364, making the university one of the few to have all of the four faculties of arts, theology, cannon and civil law, and medicine. The University of Bologna came to be known as the Italian peninsulas center for legal and medical studies (Hyde 312). The students power over the University of Bologna resided in their economic bargaining force. The students paid their masters directly. This teacher/student relationship was often strained by disagreements (Gabriel 284). According to Willis Rudy, professors were known to resort to cheap tricks to gain a large audience. Students were also known to have whistled, hissed, shouted, groaned, and even thrown stones at professors who spoke inaudibly, who spoke too slowly to cover material fully, or who spoke too fast making it difficult for students to take full notes (Beeler 4). At times, the strains on the relationship between the students and their teachers became so great that the students would secede from the university in protest. Such secessions led to the forming of the short-lived universities of Vicenza (1204), Arezzo (1215), and Vercelli (1228). The students most often won against their professors (Gabriel 284). However, the University of Bologna lacked the administrative and representative unity that the University of Paris achieved with the rector, or principle of the school, whom was entitled to speak in the name of the university (Gabriel 284). This lack of unity hurt the student body during the twelfth century when student power declined, leaving the commune in charge of hiring the professors (Hyde 312). Besides organizational type, another defining feature of medieval universities was their manner of origin. Each university originated in one of three ways: 1) of spontaneous foundations, 2) of papal, imperial, communal, or joint foundations, or 3) paper universities, universities with foundation charters but never physically formed. The universities of Paris and Bologna were formed from spontaneous foundations, meaning they grew from existing schools. Oxford too had spontaneous foundations, emerging around 1208 to 1209 due to a conflict between the clerics and the townspeople. Oxford was organized like the Paris model but was close to the structure of Bologna (Gabriel 284). The first university founded by a papal charter was Toulouse, established in 1229. Toulouse was strengthened by the Parisian secession in 1229 to 1231. The scholars favored its teachings of civil law, which were forbidden in Paris. However, Toulouse ultimately declined in the fifteenth century (Gabriel 285). Princes who wished to establish a school in their name were mainly responsible for the foundation of paper universities, the third manner of origin (Gabriel 285). The course of study for a medieval student was much different than that of todays student. History and social science courses were nonexistent. However, the student was expected to be fluent in Latin and learned in Latin grammar before attending a university. Higher education limited to males, he was to spend four years studying the basic liberal arts, completing advanced work in Latin grammar and rhetoric as well as studying the rules of logic. After passing examinations, the student received his degree of Bachelor of Arts, the prototype for todays B. A. Some students pursued advanced degrees to ensure themselves a place in professional life. The Master of Arts degree, or M. A, required three or four years of the study of mathematics, natural science, and philosophy. Doctorates required more specialized training. For example, a doctorate in theology required about twenty years of total schooling at the University of Paris. However, doctorates, including the degree in medicine, only gave the student the right to teach. Despite their intended purpose, all university degrees were recognized as great achievements and could lead to nonacademic careers (Binnell 3). Information gathered from various sources indicates that the life of the medieval student, seemingly rough, primitive, and violent, was surprisingly fundamentally similar to the life of todays students. Many students sent letters home to their parents begging them for assistance. Letters from disapproving parents have also been found which expressed the parents frustration with their underachieving sons (Thompson and Johnson 735). Again like today, medieval universities granted funds to poorer students allowing them the privilege of higher education. Medieval students also ranged significantly in age, from as young as fifteen to as old as twenty or twenty-five years of age (Dahmus 569). Many people criticized the student population and its behavior. Students were said to be violent and quarrelsome, disturbing and attacking citizens and laymen. Armed, the students even fought each other over almost anything, especially women. Students spent much time gambling, drinking, and engaging in less than celibate behavior. However, the rowdies, attracting a disproportionate amount of attention, dominated the medieval universities no more than they dominate todays universities. Serious students were much more plentiful (Thompson and Johnson 736). The importance of this medieval invention is beyond measure. The university has substantially aided in the heightening of civilization and has become an educational icon of the twentieth century. The medieval university continues to influence the education of todays scholars. As said by the late Professor Haskins, todays universities, like medieval universities, are still associations of masters and scholars leading the common life of learning (qtd. in Dahmus 571). In conclusion, both the medieval and modern university represent the most powerful influences upon the intellectual life of their times. Works Cited Previte-Orton, C. W. The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1953. Beeler, Stan. Scholarship and Education in Medieval Europe. Online. Internet. 10 April 1999. Available: http://quarles. unbc. ca/ideas/net/history/medieval. htm .EDU Binnell, Brynn. Discussion Document: Is University Life Any Different Today than it was Yesterday?. Online. Internet. 10 April 1999. Available: http://sunsite. wits. ac. za/wits/alumni/med_univ. html Gabriel, Astrik L. Universities. Middle Ages Dictionary. 1989. Hyde, J. K. Bologna, University of. Middle Ages Dictionary. 1989. Thompson, James Westfall, and Edgar Nathaniel Johnson. An Introduction to Medieval Europe. New York: W. W. Nortan Company, Inc. , 1937. Dahmus, Joseph H. A History of Medieval Civilization. New York: The Odyssey Press, Inc. , 1964.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Example Answers For Assignment On Small Business Enterprise

Example Answers For Assignment On Small Business Enterprise As an experienced business executive, what advise would you give Jerry, eg: a systematic approach to starting up a new business, structure, etc. (1a) Being an experienced business executive, I can see that the business demands huge efforts for success. In case one wishes to gain more, the best way is to start a business. Although job has fixed income for fixed work, increased efforts in business can result in huge benefits. Therefore, to carry on the business, it is necessary to put extra efforts for success. For Jerry, it is suggested that he should not continue his job further; else it may affect his business growth. The risk management strategy shall be made use of for success and growth (Lam, 2003). He should put his efforts in his business and make use of the experience he gained while working for others. These practices shall be put by Jerry in his own organization. He should strategically manage his staff on a regular basis. This would help him in making optimal use of his human resource assets. Additionally, the lack of capability of administration department could also be improved through this approach. It is a common concept, that greater the rate of risk, greater is the rate of return (Pakroo Pakroo, 2008). So leaving a job, Jerry would though take a risky step; it might result in his long term success. Additionally, Jerry has a good back up of money that he got from his grandfather. Money matter notably for a business in inception stage (Boyett Boyett, 2001), therefore Jerry needs to devote more and more time for the business, without the greed of having job along with the business. How would you review the performance of his business? (1b) Answer To review the performance of his business, the best method is to see at the growth trend of the organization. I would analyse the past performance of Jerrys organization to note how the organization is performing, what are its weaker and stronger areas, and how can the improvements be made in this business. I would review Zenith Healthcares performance thoroughly. Due focus shall be laid on total control over the operations of the organization (Druckman, 1997). There should be regular reviews of performance. I would analyse the weakness areas to come up with certain suggestions. To review the performance, I would further arrange meetings with staff members to know about their skill sets. Human resources are the most important asset for any organization. There is the need to have strong people in the organization who have their own areas expertise; this would entail the success and growth of the organization as a whole. Therefore, for Jerry, it is crucial to respond to problems. He shall devote his full efforts for this. I would have a look at the satisfaction level of customers, by checking their improvement in health. This is of supreme importance for Zenith Healthcare. Followed by this, I would staff members performance chart to be aware of their level of involvement for the growth and success. These all strategies would help in analysing the performance of Jerrys organization, and thus would further help me in giving better recommendations. Help Jerry identify his companys strengths and weaknesses. (1c) Answer For any organization to be successful, it regularly needs to review its strengths and weaknesses (Pakroo Pakroo, 2008). These factors can help the organization attain better results due to the clear description of areas that need improvement, and the strength areas. The following discusses about the strength and weaknesses of Zenith Healthcare. As far as the strengths associated with Zenith healthcare are concerned the organization has an experienced person, Jerry as its owner. Therefore, there is a huge potential with the organization. Right use of strategy can result in growth and success. The sales of Zenith are growing in spite of lack of control by the owner. Therefore, there still persists huge potential in the organization. The optimal use of their staff is still to be done, which can result in increased benefits for the organization. On looking at the weaknesses of Zenith Healthcare, first thing noticed is the lack of time given by Jerry to carry on the business operations. There is no official in charge to look after the work activities of 5 staff members. The organization has to also note the point of its lack of growth of cash inflows in spite of the increased sales. The administration department is not given due care to carry out business operations. Jerry also needs to note the point that the competition in his industry is raising at a great pace and results in increased mergers and acquisitions. Following the analysis of the companys strengths and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalise on the companys strengths, and overcome its weaknesses. (2a) Answer In order to grow at a good pace, company needs to get rid of its weaknesses and make use of its strengths to capture a good share of market. Therefore, the organization shall adopt the action plan as described here on to growth at a good pace. Firstly, Jerry shall leave his current job to have a focus on the business growth. The competition is increasing with time; there are regular amendments in policies by the organizations to survive in the market (Bradt et al., 2009). Therefore, the need is to work out thoroughly on the weaknesses in order to ensure that there are no risks associated with the business, or better say that the risks are optimized. For this purpose, the organization shall work duly on the weakness areas and understand the root cause of the same. There should be someone who looks after the administration tasks of the health care as well. Jerry should act as a leader followed by one administration head. Thus administration should be responsible to look after all the activities leaded by the administration head. This would form a better hierarchy of operations for the organization. There is the need to have a proper check on the root cause for no increase in cash inflows in spite of increased customer base. Thus, there exists some flaw in the operational management operations of the organization, which needs improvement. These need to be taken with due care to result in success for long term. Jerry has bought you a one-week, return ticket to his holiday home in Florida. He wants you to help him investigate ways in which the business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened (2b). Answer Looking at the description of the business status, it can be noted that Zenith Healthcare is doing well in spite of the lack of focus laid by Jerry. He is not devoting much of his time for business due to his job. He shall leave the job to focus completely on the business. Health care organizations are increasingly migrating towards UK. The competition is rising with time due to these competitors belonging to local region as well as from abroad such as USA. Therefore, Zenith Healthcare needs to take steps in this regard. The organization shall then make efforts to expand further as this is the right stage for growth and expansion. The organization shall work aggressively to capture a good share of market before new entrants capture the whole market. Therefore, at the instance of an offer from Venture Capitalist (As discussed in the case study) shall be taken with due care. The best way is to thoroughly analyse the synergy that would be created if the organization is acquired (Hunt, 2009). This would help in better valuation of the acquisition. In case the acquisition results in increased synergy which is beneficial for the organization, Jerry shall move forward for the deal. However, in case there is not much scope noted for this deal, there are number of options available for the organization. They shall make use of joint ventures thereon to work in collaboration with giant foreign players. These giants would help in having a better control over the process of recruitment and selection, staff and medical personnel management, and better operational strategies (Heim et al., 2003; Institute of Medicine, 1990). Thus, the synergy can help in faster pace of success for the organization. While you are with Jerry, could you also suggest new areas in which his business could be expanded? (2c) Answer At present the business of Jerry seems to be going well. His company is growing at a continuous pace, in spite of several flaws attached with it. The increased introduction of new hospitals in the country is raising competition in the Hospital market. Therefore, there comes the need to incorporate strategies at work place which are of maximum returns, else consolidated market might result too tough to stand for a small business. Therefore, Jerry needs to search for a good joint venture option to expand at a good pace. This would help Jerry have his organizations size of increased power. The size of entity would therefore increase and would result in achieving economies of scale at certain instances (King, 2003). Therefore, it could be a good practice to incorporate economies of scale. Additionally, Jerry can opt for some further business areas that can be explored. Starting of new operations such as those of pharmacy products can be a good choice. Jerry shall make available medicines and injections etc that are commonly used at his hospital. Therefore, the sales of these products would take place from his medical store, which can be opened outside his hospital area. Even patients would feel comfortable making purchase as they wont be required to travel from hospital to the medical stores located at distant locations. This would act in favour of the revenues of the hospital. Therefore, Jerry can expand his business through this approach. You realise that the moment has arrive where it would be appropriate for Jerry to review his existing business objectives and plans. Using your initiative, help your friend outline those key areas where attention should be given (3a). Answer For any business to be successful, it is quite crucial to make clear objectives of the business. Unclear business goals and objectives can result in divergence of the approach to gain outcomes. Therefore, Jerry should have a clear point about the business statistics he has for growth and expansion. Therefore, the aim of his business organization, named as Zenith healthcare should be to make efforts to help the patients get rid of various diseases. Health services demand the basic need to have strong relations with patients by providing them support in a thorough manner. Therefore, the approach can help the business grow by having stronger customer relationship management. There would be more control over business practices. Thus, the business shall have the objectives in mind that are clear in terms of concept and plan. The operations of Jerry shall however include due focus to be laid on the service users. This should entail strong relationship building and making an effort to create brand of the organization in the competitive market. This would help the organization stand well in the competitive scenario (Pinson, 2008). Jerry shall leave his job to help the organization attain his aims and objectives, as the competitive market demands more and more efforts. Lack of efforts can however result in consolidation of business due to rapidly growing competitive market, else survival would become an issue for the organization. Once you have agreed with Jerry those key areas which require attention, help him revise his business plans to incorporate appropriate changes (3b). Answer The business plan is important for the growth and survival. There comes the need to implement strategies for success. The organization should use the suggested strategy for business operations. As the current market is growing rapidly on one hand, the consolidation is probable to come into existence at other instance, there comes the need to make use of the aggressive approach to cover a good share of market. Firstly, the organization shall have clear goals and objectives that need to be attained. This shall follow by a clear understanding of the market segment for the services (Abrams and Kleiner, 2003; Holm Blanchard, 2007). Additionally, as stated before, the organization shall even expand its business operations by making use of the medical store to sell different medical products. This should follow by a thorough plan for marketing of services. Jerry needs to define clear strategic marketing. The use of brochures, advertising on magazines, newspapers, and various internet sources, search engine optimization, and web promotion can act in favour of the hospital for increased awareness among the target segment. There should be various marketing campaigns for the hospital and clear focus shall be laid to decide for the goals to be achieved for the regular intervals such as for the next 5 years or so. Thereafter, based on the plan the marketing analysis shall be done. This should follow by thorough understanding of the sales forecasts for the business. This would help in formulation of strategies in the right manner. Therefore, the organization would be ready to face stiff competition with the passage of time. The staffing would also be maintained in the right manner along with the operating budget. These would overall help in generating financial projections. This marketing strategy would overall result in growth and success of the organization for long term and Jerry would gain from his business. Accordingly, prepare action plans to implement changes (3c). Answer Action Plan Aims and Objectives are the first stage of any action plan. The aim of Zenith Health care organization is to make an effort to help the patients get rid of various diseases. Health services have the basic need to build strong relations with patients by providing them support in a thorough manner. The approach is expected to help the business grow by having stronger customer relationship management. Through this strategy, there would be more control over business practices. Suggested actions at this stage are to first of all valuate the offer at hand for acquisition of other organization, which is similar in size (George et al., 2009). This was the offer made by a venture capitalist in a cocktail party. Thereafter, if the proposal seems to add to the benefits of the organization, the deal should be made. This should then be followed by the search for joint venture with an organization from abroad, which is looking to expand here. This shall further help in promotion and brand building. Furthermore, the organization shall make efforts to promote more and more through various magazines, newspapers etc. This would help in creating awareness of the services provided by Zenith Health care, and would increase the chances of attracting more and more people, looking for health related services. Therefore, the strong marketing would help in establishing brand value in the market (James, 1995). This shall further be followed by proper evaluation of the suggested strategies so as to update them on a regular basis, based on the market and changing needs. Help Jerry assess the possible impact of changes on the business and his management team (4a). Answer The suggested approaches would overall help the business of Jerry. This strategy would help the organization grow for long term. Thus, the suggestions are made based on the long term vision for the success. The employees working in the organization would be able to work in a better way. There would be proper flow of information in a hierarchical manner. The supervisor would handle the task of managing the whole staff. This would help in better operational management. The administrative activities too would flow in a professional manner. This would aid to the development and growth. At present, the organization is though doing well, the competition is increasing at a rapid rate. Therefore, it becomes necessary to incorporate strategies at work place to ensure that the outcomes are attained favourably. The systematic action plan would therefore act as the backbone to carry out all the activities (Nayler, 2005). This action plan would help in going in a systematic and rapid manner to capture a good share of the market. The success of organization therefore seems to be a mandatory task which would be achieved easily. Explain to Jerry how the implementation of changes should be managed (4b). Answer Change is the law of nature. This takes place on a regular basis and can result in overall success or failure of the proposed plan. Although a good strategic plan has been discussed in the above sections, the most important task is to convert the plan into action. Therefore, Jerry would need to firstly leave his job. Thereon, he would have time in managing the operations in a better manner. This shall be followed by the use of proper channel of communication. The organization shall allow its staff members to collaboratively communicate with each other to contribute to the efforts for organization. On having an eye on the contribution of entrepreneurs of US, it can be noted that more than 50% of the revenues generated through business operations are made by the small businesses (Gates Leuschner, 2009). Therefore businessman shall understand the importance associated with the strategy. This would help entail successful growth of the organization. Additionally, the increased efforts put by the staff members shall be well managed with the help of controller, or manager. This person shall be held responsible of managing all the operational activities of business by making use of the staff. This would help in increasing the contribution of individuals towards organizations success. Thus, Jerry shall need to use evaluation technique to analyse the outcomes of the approach. This would result in overall success of organizational goals and objectives. Jerry is worried that the change process could go wrong. To assuage his fears, explain to Jerry how possible it would be to monitor changes in improvements and performance (4c) Answer To be successful and to earn more, there is the need to take risk. The greater the risk one takes, the greater are returns (Lam, 2003). Increased competition demands the need to take risks in an optimal manner. This is the differentiating factor between a successful and unsuccessful organization. Therefore, the present competitive market demands the use of new approach for success and growth. Jerry is though worried of failure, but I would make him understand how the joint venture, for an example can act as a strong factor to keep the business at a safer end. There are reduced risks due to this strategy. Working with industry giants can help the business flourish at a rapid rate. These organizations act as the backbone for helping in tough times (Pinson, 2008). Jerry shall thus understand this point that the risks result in returns if the proper direction is followed for the business. Additionally, the action plan can make a huge difference between success and failure. Therefore, the action plan would be used in such a manner that there are minimized risks and frequent evolutionary sessions would help in getting an idea prior to the problem situation about the state of business, and amendments if any, required in the business, can be made thoroughly to ensure the minimization of risks.

Production And Processing Of Maize

Production And Processing Of Maize Maize is the third largest planted crop after wheat and rice. It is mostly used and traded as a leading feed crop but is also an important food staple. In addition to food and feed, maize has wide range of industrial applications as well; from food processing to manufacturing of ethanol. Maize grown is primarily of three types Grain or field Maize, Sweet Maize used mainly as food Popcorn. There are four types of Grain Maize: (a) Dent Maize has a pronounced depression or dent at the crown of the kernels, (b) Flint Maize has the hard starch layer entirely surrounding the outer part of the kernel, (c) Flour, or soft, Maize contains almost entirely soft starch, with only a very thin layer of hard starch and (d) Waxy Maize has a wax-like endosperm 1.1 Global Maize Production The total area under maize cultivation in the world is 139 million hectares with a production of 598 million MT (mMT). Major producers are USA (240mMT), China (125 mMT), European Union (39 mMT), Brazil (37 mMT), Mexico (19 mMT), Argentina (14 mMT) and India (11 mMT). Among all cereals, maize occupies the fifth largest area, fourth largest in output and third largest in yield. Over the past two decades, global maize production has increased by nearly 50 percent, or 1.8 percent annual compound growth rate. 1.2 India Maize Production India is the tenth largest producer with a production of 11.10 mMT from an area of 6.6 million ha. The average yield in India is 1.77 MT/ha which is very low as against 7 MT/ha in temperate areas of developed economies and 3.8 MT/ha of global average. Maize is cultivated in almost all states in the country. Andhra Pradesh is the leading producer in India followed by Karnataka, Bihar, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in the year 2009-10. The crop is grown both in Kharif and Rabi seasons in India with a share of 85 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively. Since the maize is rain dependent, it is mainly grown during kharif season. Maize Area, Production and Yield in India have seen a phenomenal growth over the last five decades and India has emerged from being a net importer to levels of self sufficiency. 1.3 Price Analyses of Maize for last five years If we examine the price trend of maize in Indian market, prices will be on their peak during the months of July-August. From August onwards prices start declining owing to start of kharif season. Price of maize mainly depends upon supply demand structure. One important thing that is visible from the trends is that from the last 3 years price fluctuations within a year is showing same trend. Government announces MSP (minimum support price) of maize every year and the prices are showing an upward trend. The continuous demand for maize in poultry industry and lesser predicted area in the kharif helped the prices to rule around higher side. 1.4 Utilization pattern of Maize in India The below figure depicts the utilization pattern of maize in India. A major portion (46.5%) is used as poultry feed, followed by 33% for human consumption and 11% animal feed. Only 9% is used in starch industry and 0.5% in brewery industry 1.5 Milling of Maize Wet milling produces Maize oil, Maize steep liquor, Maize gluten feed and Maize gluten meal. In contrast to wet milling, dry milling produces only carbon-dioxide and distillers dried grains soluble as by-products but has become the favoured approach for Maize ethanol production due to lower start-up costs. Maize kernels are degerminated by grinding or centrifugation to produce seed germ which produces Maize oil. The starch, gluten and fiber is left after degermination, from which gluten is used to extract Maize gluten meal which is a high-protein animal feed, starch undergoes liquification and saccharification followed by fermentation to form Maize gluten feed when combined with fibres. Fermentation also results in formation of ethanol. The most striking new development has been the rapid expansion in the ethanol industry which has also brought about a sudden increase in the supply of Distillers Grains (DG). Under the dry-milling process, when maize is fermented to alcohol, around one-third of the Dry Matter (DM) is recovered in co-products which, in turn, are further processed into a variety of feed ingredient products. The conversion from DM to DG involves starch fermentation which eventually produces two feed co-products: Maize Condensed Distillers Solubles (CDS) and Maize Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS), which are rich in essential nutrients such as protein, fat, minerals. Aside from Distillers Grains, which result from the dry milling process, there are several other maize co-products used in feed rations, mostly derived from the more traditional wet milling process. One ton of maize through wet milling produces 29 kg of Maize oil, 241 kg of 21% protein gluten feed, and 46 kg of 60% gluten meal. In addition to it, either one among starch (571 kg) or sweetener (589 kg) or ethanol (402 kg) can be produced. The most common ones are: Maize Gluten Meal: Dried high protein (almost 60 percent) feed source. It is a residue from maize after the removal of the larger part of the starch and germ, the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet-milling manufacture of maize starch or syrup. It is commonly used by the poultry industry, farm animal feed in fish and pet food. It is also used in cattle feed. Maize Gluten Feed: Is that part of the commercial shelled maize that remains after the extraction of the larger portion of the starch, gluten, and germ by the processes employed in the wet milling manufacture of maize starch or syrup. It is used in complete feeds for dairy and beef cattle, poultry, swine and pet foods. Maize Seed Cake: With over 17 percent protein, it is considered ideal feed for breeding chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, fish, and other livestock. Maize Germ Meal: Typically contains more than 20 percent protein and 9.5 percent fiber. It has an amino acid balance that makes it valuable in poultry and swine rations. It is also used as a carrier of liquid feed nutrients. Liquid Feed Syrup: It is a highly concentrated feed syrup; high in protein and energy. This product is typically added to enhance an animal feed ration. 2. OUR BUSINESS MODEL Maize has multiple uses both for domestic as well as industrial purposes. The usage pattern as seen earlier in the report varies for human direct consumption to industrial chemical production mainly in the form of ethanol/alcohol. Since maize is a multi-seasonal crop i.e. it is harvested in both the season of rabi and kharif so we have the liberty of designing a business which has the capacity to consume maize throughout the year. When we worked out the financials for the main industries based on maize , we found out that out of ethanol, starch and poultry feed businesses the most profitable are poultry-feed from maize and ethanol from maize stover. So we would we making ethanol from stover and poultry feed from the maize, in this way we would be utilizing whole of the maize plant material and providing the farmers with a much better returns that what they are getting at present. Product Cost incurred(Rs. Per tonne) Revenues(Rs. Per tonne) Profit(Rs. Per tonne) Maize(whole) 9000 10500 1050 Poultry feed 9400 12000 2600 Starch 10000 12000 2000 In the initial phase we propose to use the maize stover (the left out part of the plant after the grains are removed) for the production of fuel grade ethanol which is procured by the government oil marketing companies under a contractual basis at pre-determined prices set by them. The maize grains are stored in silos which could be sold post-harvest season when the prices goes up by 20-30% ever year, which is evident from the price variation cycle shown above (fig 3). Presently we are using maize stover as raw material but straw of other crops like wheat, rice and millets having cellulose content can also be used as starting material in ethanol production. If we ever face shortage of maize stover in our plants capacity utilization then we can procure other raw materials from the same farmers. The location which we are planning to setup our plant is in the Dhaod district of Gujarat. This area has the highest maize production in the state along with the bordering areas of Madhya Pradesh. This is geographically near to the industrial areas of Vadodra and Ahmedabad, which are large consumers of starch and bio-fuel ethanol (As large oil refineries operate near Vadodra so we would not be having any problem in selling the ethanol in markets. And starch based industries are located in and around Ahmedabad which consumes starch in large quantities). The procurement of maize along with Stover would lead to an increase in the working capital requirement but that would be offset by the increased revenues from the sale of that maize. Also the solid matter that would be left out as an affluent during the fermentation process would be useful as feedstock material. The carbon dioxide produced will be sold as industrial CO2 which will make the whole process of ethanol processing a clean development process, with zero carbon emission. As depicted in the table 1 below, total cost/litre of ethanol is lowest from maize stover for equal amount of raw material consumed. Input Procurement (Rs/ton) Enzyme Cost (Rs/ton) Ethanol Yield (Litre/ton) Total Cost (Rs/Litre) Sugarcane 640 Negligible 72 9 Maize 8500 Negligible 450 11 Maize Stover 2000 700 300 7 3. ETHANOL FROM MAIZE STOVER 3.1 Customer value proposition: Our main customer is government that would be procuring ethanol from our plant. The customer value that we are creating is the availability of ethanol throughout the year for successfully implementing the E5, E10 and gradually E20 grade ethanol. The ample amount of availability would help in reducing the dependency on imported fuel that we are consuming right now. Also mixing of ethanol into diesel reduces emission from vehicles as it has higher per cent age of oxygen in it. There is a huge deficit of around 650m litres of ethanol for blending in diesel. The bio-fuel policy of India, states that by 2017 the country should fully implement the E20 standards for EBP. E20 means blending 20% ethanol in the diesel, but at present ethanol is not sufficient for even meeting the E5 standards. As the production of fuel ethanol comes under the category of bio-fuel as defined by the ministry of non-renewal energy, government of India, so we would be eligible for a 25% rebate on capital investmen t. 3.2 Demand and Supply of Ethanol : When will the oil run out? Various estimates put this anywhere from 20 years from now to less than a century in the future. The shortfall in energy might eventually be made up by developments in nuclear fission, fuel cells and renewable energy sources, but what can substitute for gasoline and diesel in the internal combustion engine powered vehicles that will continue to be built worldwide till then? Hence the bio-organic chemists have begun to crystallize, unlocking the vast chemical larder and workshop of natural microbes and plants to invent the technologies required for industrial-scale production of bio-ethanol . Maize accumulates starch that can, after hydrolysis to glucose, serve as the substrate for ethanol fermentation. Maize starch is a more expensive carbon substrate for bio-ethanol production, but if maize stover is used as starting material for ethanol production then it is economically more viable. The product has a potential rival in the form of bio-hydrogen which coul d provide the only workable solution to meeting global energy supplies and mitigating carbon-dioxide accumulation but it is still in a nascent stage. Globally, ethanol has been used as an automotive fuel since the early 1900. However, the usage of ethanol as fuel gained momentum only after the 1970s with the launch of the Pro-alcohol programme in Brazil. Until 1975, the year of the launch of the Pro-alcohol programme in Brazil, the ethanol market was predominantly beverages and industrial. Thereafter, the fuel ethanol market grew substantially and it accounted for 80 % of the world ethanol production in 2010. The global ethanol industry with 19,227 mn gallons of production during CY09 has grown substantially over the years due to the focus on bio-fuels. During the period of 1975-2009, the global production of ethanol grew at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.86%. The rising crude oil prices, coupled with the increasing quest for energy security and reducing green house gas emissions have fuelled the global ethanol industry. The United States of America and Brazil are the two major ethanol producers across the globe. These two countries together accounted for almost 89% of the total global ethanol production in 2009. The fermentation route using sugary or sugar-yielding material and yeast has been in practice in India since long for the production of alcohol or Ethanol. Most of the Ethanol produced (almost 95%) is through the fermentation route. Grains like rice, corn or maize, barley-malt, rye, wheat, sorghum etc., starchy bulbs and vegetables like cassava (tapioca) and potatoes are commonly used for producing ethanol under the fermentation route in India. In India, ethanol is mostly produced from molasses obtained during the process of crushing sugarcane. 3.3 Classification of ethanol: Ethanol can be classified on the basis of uses, production route and on the basis of composition: 1. On the basis of the uses, it can be classified as beverage ethanol, industrial ethanol and ethanol fuel: a. Beverage Ethanol: ethanol used in alcoholic spirits such as vodka and shochu. b. Industrial Ethanol: ethanol used as a feedstock for alcohol-based chemicals such as paints and inks. c. Ethanol fuel: ethanol used as an automotive fuel (can be used for blending with petrol). 2. On the basis of the production route ethanol can be classified as fermented ethanol and synthetic ethanol. 3. On the basis of the composition, ethanol can be classified as hydrous and anhydrous. (Hydrous ethanol contains about 5% of the water content whereas anhydrous ethanol contains 0.5% of the water content) Year Petrol demand Mt Ethanol blending requirement (in metric tons) Diesel demand Mt Biodiesel blending requirement (in metric tons) @5 % @10% @20 % @ 5% @10% @20% 2006-2007 10.07 0.50 1.01 2.01 52.32 2.62 5.23 10.46 2011-2012 12.85 0.64 1.29 2.57 66.91 3.35 6.69 13.38 2016-2017 16.40 0.82 1.64 3.28 83.58 4.18 8.36 16.72 3.4 Process description The maize stovers are generally harvested during the month of September October in kharif season maize and in March- April for Rabi season maize. The maize stovers can be kept in the open after the harvest as the requirement is round the year in the factory. But the use of concrete slabs over which the stovers are kept will be a good option to minimize the spoilage. Sometimes the polythene sheets can be used to prevent spoilage from rainfall. The requirement of the stovers is 1000 MT/day. 1. Washing of the stovers: The first process in the factory is the washing of the stovers to remove the dust, soil etc. The water is sprayed on the stack of stovers in high pressure and thus the soil and other solid particles are removed. 2. Pretreatment Hydrolysate conditioning: After washing of the stovers they are sent for pretreatment. By this process most of the hemicellulose parts of the stovers are converted into soluble sugars like xylose, mannose, arabinose, and galactose using dilute sulfuric acid at high temperature. After reaction there is formation of aldehydes which is over limed by adding lime, the pH raise to 10 and thus gypsum is formed which is filtered out and the hydrolyzate is mixed with the solid before sent to saccharification and co-fermentation. 3. Presteamer at low pressure: Before sending to the reactor the pretreated stovers are passed through the steam at low pressure to remove the non-condensable that can take up space in the reactor. The low pressure steam is passed by the valve for 20 minutes and then the stover is flash cooled and sent to the reactor. 4. Reactor: In the reactor first the stovers are steamed and then the acid is added to the reactor. Before adding the acid to the reactor the concentrated acid is diluted. 5. Saccharification and co-fermentation: These are two different processes: i. Saccharification In this process the cellulose is converted to glucose with cellulose enzyme. It is a collection of enzymes and comprises of endoglucanase, exoglucanase and beta-glucosidase. Trichoderma reesei is the bacterium which is used for the commercial production of enzyme cellulase. The whole process takes 24 hrs. ii. Co-fermentation The formed glucose and other sugar is fermented to form ethanol. The bacteria used in this step are Z. mobilis which acts as a biocatalyst and will ferment glucose and xylose in ethanol. This whole process takes 36hrs. 6. Distillation, dehydration, evaporation and solid liquid separation: Distillation is accomplished in two columns the first, called the beer column, removes the dissolved CO2 and most of the water, and the second concentrates the ethanol. Fermentation vents (containing mostly CO2, but also some ethanol) as well as the beer column vent are scrubbed in a water scrubber, recovering nearly all of the ethanol. The scrubber effluent is fed to the first distillation column along with the fermentation beer. The leftover liquid and the slurry are sent to the waste water treatment plant from where the water is recycled for further use. 3.5 Financials of ethanol production We have a total installed capacity of 90000 tonnes per annum, of which the capacity utilization in the initial years would go up from 50% to 90% in the subsequent years. The fixed cost is 50crores which is 39% of the total investment required. Raw material cost is 43% in the first year of the total investment. Warehousing cost and other variable costs including that of salaries and transportation, etc. amounts to 3% and 8% of the total cost respectively. The profit after tax in the first year of operations totals to around 24crore. The break-even point is achieved in the second year of operations Year % 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Installed Capacity (ton/year) 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 Capacity utilisation 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Ethanol production(ton/year) 45000 54000 63000 72000 81000 Price(Rs/ton) 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 Revenue( Rs in Crore) 108 129.6 151.2 172.8 194.4 ( Rs in Crore) Fixed Cost 39 50 Raw Material 43 55.5 66.6 77.7 88.8 99.9 Warehousing 3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Transportation 1 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 Direct Labor 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 Admin Costs 1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Energy Costs 2 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.6 4.1 Waste Disposal 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Other V.C 8 11.5 12.2 13.0 13.8 14.6 Total Cost 128.4 91.1 103.8 116.4 129.1 Benefit Cost -20.4 38.5 47.4 56.4 65.3 4. MAIZE STARCH PROCESSING: Maize is generally processed to manufacture Maize starch by wet milling method the world over. The by-products of starch manufacture, like Maize oil, Maize steep liquor, gluten etc. are the important value added products. The average processing capacity of the units in India is 200 MT of maize / day. There are plants with as high crushing capacity as 400 MT/day. However, there is no plant in the country with crushing capacity of less than 100 MT/ day. The selection of technology is very important as regards to the viability of the unit is concerned. Critical Factors in setting up a maize processing plant include Raw Material, Land, Water, Steam, Technology and an Effluent treatment plant. A plant of 100 MT of wet milling maize crushing capacity per day is considered as a minimum viable unit. A unit of this capacity will produce the following products. The plant will function in 3 shifts per day and 8 hour per shift. Keeping in view, the nature of activity the capacity utilization of 50%, 70% and 90%, during first, second and third year onwards can be achieved easily. The project cost for setting up of a 100 MT wet milling of maize per day has been assessed at Rs. 14.32crores (Refer to Annexure 4 for details.) 5. POULTRY FEED FACTORY The poultry feed plant of the capacity of 30000 tons/year. The total capital investment is about Rs.60lacs. In the first year the expected revenues are around 18crores, this is at the annual capacity utilization of 50%. The PAT is 2.63crore and the NPV of the project comes out to be 18.93crore at the discount rate of 15% per annum. (Refer to annexure 3 for details). 6. ECONOMIES OF SCALE, SCOPE AND INTEGRATION Economies of Scale: Producing Ethanol from Corn at low levels is not financially viable. We need to increase the production levels for a sustainable and a profitable business. Therefore the Economies of Scale have to be high but they are still comparatively less than other Manufacturing industries. It relies heavily on the cost of corn and other energy inputs. High Economies of scale helps us in reducing transportation as well as Marketing costs. Economies of Scope: Maize oil, Gluten Feed, Gluten meal, Starch and Ethanol can be produced through wet milling method. Ethanol is produced from corn stover. Starch can be used for producing various other products. Producing Ethanol from Corn at low levels is not financially viable. We need to increase the production levels for a sustainable and a profitable business. Therefore the Economies of Scale have to be high but they are still comparatively less than other Manufacturing industries. It relies heavily on the cost of corn and other energy inputs. High Economies of scale helps us in reducing transportation as well as Marketing costs. Economies of Integration: Forward integration involves processing of maize stover to produce ethanol. Wet milling of maize is done to produce starch. Maize can also be used to produce poultry feed. 7. RISKS INVOLVED: Supply Side Risks Price Impact on Input Cost: At this point, ethanol plants are dependent on a constant supply of maize for their survival in fuel production. This gives the supplier the ultimate industry power until we achieve alternative feasible sources. The elasticity of demand is inelastic in most cases, or at least until the price of corn rises to the point where ethanol plants would be very unprofitable in production. The price is given for the input and we don t have much choice in refusing because ethanol plants need to run at as close as possible to capacity in order to be most efficient. In this scenario, ethanol will be passed off at a higher price, but also the ethanol plants will eat some of the cost in order to stay competitive. Demand Side Risks Government Policy: Right now Government offers incentives to blenders who buy from Ethanol plants; in case there is any change in policy there could be a decrease in the demand of ethanol from blenders. Government currently does not allow companies to import ethanol from foreign market to meet their domestic requirements, in case there is any change in this policy there could be a decrease in demand of ethanol from various ethanol plants in our country. Competition: With increase in competition, the supply demand gap currently in the market will decrease, which will lead to less demand of ethanol from various plants. Competition exists in the form of ethanol produced from Jatropha and other plants. 8. PORTER S 5 FORCE ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRY 9. VALUE ADDITION Value can be added to the product by form, place and time. In our case we are producing ethanol from maize stovers. The different value additions in our project are- 1. By form We are processing maize Stover, which has very less economic value to the farmer and converting it into ethanol. The value is added by processing cheap maize Stover to ethanol, which has high price and demand. Thus by processing, the form is changed leading to value addition in the produce. We would be using the maize grains for production of poultry feed which is found out to be a viable option. 2. By place We are adding value to the Maize stover by taking it from the farms to the factory gate. The stover in farms does not fetch much value but once it reach to processing unit, it can be converted into ethanol, which is more valuable. We are also procuring maize grains from the farmers and selling it in the market, where, we can fetch comparatively more value. 3. By time We are procuring maize grains during the harvesting season when prices are normally low. The grains will be then stored for the period of four months and afterwards sold at higher prices. Thus storing the maize for some time will provide us comparatively more value. 10. SOCIAL IMPACT 1. By procuring Maize Stover from the farmers, which is otherwise has a low economical value to them, we are providing with the additional source of income to the farmers. The additional benefit to the farmers is expected to be around Rs.2000-2500 per acre . 2. The ethanol produced by us finds its use as the additive in petrol. The addition of ethanol will reduce the emission of green house gases proportionately, thus our product is eco-friendly. 11. SCOPE OF CO-OPERATIVE The back bone of our business model is the continuous supply of maize throughout the year. In order to attain maximum utilization capacity of the plant we need a high and undisruptive supply. The location where the plant would be set is surrounded by villages indulged in rain fed agriculture practices, and they are our raw material suppliers. These types of practices are risky for our business model, so in order to abate the risk Cooperative could be formed. This will help the farmers to reap benefits of the cooperatives. Cooperative will also ensure un-interruptive maize (also Stover of other plants) supply to our plant. This cooperative model would not be maize specific. Backward integration will be done if the results would be as per expectation in the starting years.